Causes and risk factors

Everything You Need to Know About Sharing Utensils or Drinking Glasses

Everything You Need to Know About Sharing Utensils or Drinking Glasses

We all know that sharing utensils or drinking glasses with someone can be a risky business. But what are the actual risks ...

Kissing Someone With Oral Herpes

Kissing Someone With Oral Herpes

It's not uncommon to worry about the risk of kissing someone with oral herpes. After all, oral herpes is a common virus...

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Having Multiple Sexual Partners

Exploring the Pros and Cons of Having Multiple Sexual Partners

Having multiple sexual partners has become increasingly common in our society and it can be a difficult decision to make. ...

Understanding Contact with an Infected Person's Saliva or Skin

Understanding Contact with an Infected Person's Saliva or Skin

Have you ever been in contact with an infected person's saliva or skin? If so, you may have unknowingly been exposed to a ...

Understanding Sexual Contact with an Infected Person

Understanding Sexual Contact with an Infected Person

Having sexual contact with someone who is infected with a virus or disease can be a worrying and frightening experience....

Understanding the Risks of Being Pregnant with an Infected Partner

Understanding the Risks of Being Pregnant with an Infected Partner

Pregnancy is an exciting and life-changing experience, but it can also come with risks. When the expecting mother's...

Understanding the Causes and Risk Factors of a Weakened Immune System

Understanding the Causes and Risk Factors of a Weakened Immune System

Having a weakened immune system can be a frightening and potentially dangerous situation. When your body's natural...

Contaminated Objects: Causes and Risk Factors

Contaminated Objects: Causes and Risk Factors

We often take for granted the safety of the objects we use in our everyday lives, but the fact is that some objects can...